Andrea completed his Bachelor of Science degree (BSc) in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy (2016) where he got sound mathematical and physical bases to master the theoretical models that are employed to analyse and design steel and reinforced concrete buildings, earthworks, hydraulic engineering works and transportation infrastructures. At the end of the third year he presented a final project on the effect of some parameters on micro flows.
Later, he undertook the Master of Science (MSc) in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation (Politecnico di Milano, Italy 2018), that provided him the knowledge and expertise in the field of structural and non-structural measures for the mitigation of natural and technological hazards; assessment of hazard, exposure and vulnerability; emergency planning and management. Although the courses are centred on the Civil Engineering culture, a wide variety of different disciplines is included, comprehending various engineering branches, land use planning, natural science, economy and social sciences. For his thesis he completed a study on the Flood hazard modelling for the city of Lodi.